Rabu, 20 Februari 2019

Paper Formal Presentation

Paper Formal Presentation

Okay, I will begining this meeting.

assalamualaikum! Good morning everyone. nice to meet you today.

First, let me to introduce myself, my name is ayu aisyah amini, you can call me ayu. I’m from green companies.

Today, I came here to promote a new product. That’s product make you feel fresh and health. Namely green juice, as the name suggests, the colour of juice is green. This juice is made from mustard greens. mustard greens are one of the vegetables that contain many benefits, including reducing the risk of cancer. We all know that cancer is a deadly disease, so we must avoid it. Another benefit of mustard greens is the high fiber content and water content that can help prevent constipation, make it easier defecation so as to maintain the digestive health of the body. In addition, mustard greens is also good for the skin because it contains vitamin A, it’ s not only nutrition for eyes, but also is a nutrient needed for the production of sebum that makes hair moist.

A fact says, that a lot of people don't like vegetables, so we make green juice for those people to consume. if you don't like vegetables, but want to feel the benefits of mustard greens, green juice can be your choice.  Many people ask to me, where I can buy this juice.? If you want this juice you can buy this juice at the nearest store or minimarket. the price is affordable.

Are there any questions?

  1. How long does the green juice expire and how can we know the green juice is expired or not yet?
    The expired time green juice for 24 hours in a closed package but if you has been opened the package, the juice must be spent in less than 2 hours. And you can know the juice is expired or not yet, you can look the bottle juice that has a date and time of manufacture.
  2. Will people who don't like vegetables, he will like when drinking green juice?
    Yes, because this juice doesn't taste.
  3. Sorry, I will give suggest for your product.it can be more durable of the expired time?
    Oke, Thank you for your suggestion. I will your suggestion to our analyst product.

I think enough for me, thank you very much for your attention. And if I disturb your rest time, my apology for the inconvenience. See you next time and wasalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.

Personal Presentation

Personal Presentation


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good morning
On this occasion, I want to do personal presentation
First, let me introduce myself.

My name is Ayu Aisyah Amini, everyone usually call me Ayu. I was born in Jakarta on October 27th, 1998. I am 21 years old. Currently, I live in tipar cakung No.99, East Jakarta.
I am the youngest in my family. I have 2 older brothers and I don’t have sister.

I am a college student at Gunadarma University. Majoring in accounting. I’m currently on 5th semester. I’m working on my research about financial ratio.

My strengths are quite communicative and easy to fit in a new place or situation. I can work with team. I usually came on time

In the future, I want to become an auditor. specifically an internal auditor of a private company in Indonesia.

And then, about Vision and Mission
My vision is:
1.      Become meaningful for the family and others 
2.      Become an independent and objective internal auditor
My mission is:
1.      Help others in need
2.      Always be a good person
3.      Learn more in-depth things about internal accountant

My biggest dream is to make my parents happy.
I think it's enough,
Thank You 

Good Morning and Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh